REAL MADRID lost its pre-season friendly match against
HANNOVER 96 by 3 goals to 0. Real Madrid started well but missed

clear chances early, like Higuaín below, that allowed Hannover to
grow. The Germans physical strenght then dominated with excellent
counter - attacks that ended in goals.

Here are the key points on Real´s game that SFS observed tonight:

1. Germans physically fitter & Real still need to lift their trainning
2. Real missed too many chances, perhaps due to lack of practice.
3. Real´s determination to attack left holes in defense
4. Very vulnerable to counter-attacks, defenders still out of place &
lack speed.

5. No creative midfielder for Real to control the game.
6. Plenty of changes during the match, no time for team to settle
7. Simply great game by Hannover 96

But no need to worry for Real . Just starting, lots of new players that need
to adapt, still missing South American stars, more training needed to get

the speed up & will probably get new awaited signnngs shortly.
Positive was Sergio Ramos, Higuaín, Raul & Balboa´s play...

Final Scoreline:
HANNOVER 96 - 3 ( Hustzi, Thorvaldsson & Lauth - pictured)


Zazinho said...

i agree with u striker Real Madrid seriously lack a creative midfielder ever since Zidane Left. I think they should buy Samir Nasri or Adu.

Anonymous said...

i agreed with SFS that no worries needed for Real, i feel Real has enough talents in the team to achieve great stuffs next season, it's just that the Germans are more "serious" in this friendly game...

Unknown said...

I'm sceptical. I know this is preseason, but this is exactly what I expected from Schuster's "exciting" brand of play: Too many people pressing forward, and a slow defense easily caught out of position by counter-strikes. Virtually every Madrid player interviewed in the last week had to say something about "exciting" football, or football that "wins games but is fun to watch as well." Groan. I'm already preparing my white hnadkerchief. Madrid games this season could prove very exciting, for their opponents at least.

Anonymous said...

Right John. The push forward could leave big hole in the defence.

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