Local catalan paper "Sport" express their happiness on their front page
by exposing Barça´s new signnings & laying out the probable new
side line -up.
FC BARCELONA set itself to "renew" its team after losing the Spanish
League title & being knocked out of Champions, & have rapidly gone
about to reach that objetive. The only player they are awaiting is
, who everyone assures will be secured in a matter of hours or
days after Barça & Zaragoza solve the 2M€ that separates the deal.

Assuming Barça solves the Milito situation, they have strenghtened
in every line ( defense, midfield & forward) with a world class player.
This encourages "Sport" to highlight the line-up of the "new" Barça
team for next season, & SFS must say, it looks impressive:

Valdez; Zambrotta; Pujol; Milito; Abidal; Toure; Xavi; Messi;
Ronaldinho; Henry & Eto´o

Super team don´t you think?


Adrian Vogel said...
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Adrian Vogel said...

They are happy. We are happy. Everybody is happy. Since they've been using the UNICEF banner they´ve been spreading happiness all over the world. Thanks Barça. They started the season spreading joy & hapiness in Monaco & Seville (3-0 against Sevilla in the Euro Super Cup) They continued spreading the good news in Tokyo. Lately they made Real Madrid fans extremely happy. As they did, in the last couple of months, with Betis, Getafe, Espanyol or Villareal fans.
Another highlight was their tennis match vs. Atletico de Madrid. They won 0-6. Which made very clear the kind of players, supporters and management that defines that other 1st Division club of Madrid. These pretentious human beings, owned by the delinquent Gil & Gil family, who think that Atletico could decide who would be the Liga winner. With the result we all know:
1.- No holidays for the players & technical staff due to Intertotto

2.- The exit of a decent Atletico human being like Torres (not all Atletico's are alike; there are decent examples like Torres or Striker, to name just a few)

3.- Public embarrasment for all Atletico de Madrid and Liga for Real Madrid


P.S.: Please give us another wonderful UNICEF season this coming one

Unknown said...

wat happ to deco?

Unknown said...

and i would prefer marquez after his performance with mexico

Anonymous said...

Critical comments from Adrian...always great to spur on debate & comments.

Hopefully SFS readers will join in & place an opinion.

Deco & Marquez will spend more time on the bench!

Unknown said...

What about iniesta. He is class. Do you think he will move on?

Anonymous said...

Henry ,Iniesta ? Comfort for the coach to know he is on the bench & can come on when ever he is needed to change a match or in injury.

Good also to create competition for the midfield.


Anonymous said...

Yes Adrian. This coming season Barça will make a lot of people happy but I am afraid you are not going to be one of them.
But do not worry; Calderon will make you happy all year long with his jokes and colorful statements. Still, he will carry on the Real Madrid legacy of gentleman's conduct:

- Referee harassment through its official web site and alienated press.
- Press media managers pay offs and under the table deals.
- Player transfers with clauses that do not allow them to play against Real.
- Coercion tactics to sign players with active contracts (ie. Ronaldo, Zidane, and now Kaka (?)).
- Electoral fraud for club president elections.
- Madrid government public officials corruption (real state fraudulent contracts, tax fraud, money laundry, etc.)
- Sponsor contracts with sport gambling companies (bwin).

Nice. Rather be an honest Atletico supporter…

Rio said...







Anonymous said...


Both Deco and Marquez will not take being on the bench. Poor Iniesta when will he ever get a first team chance after playing a stellar season. Ashame. Barca is going for the glitz and big signings. Sounds familiar?


Mark Hazard said...

Things have certainly been shaken up at Barcelona, can't wait to see what they do on the pitch. First real display of the new signings at the Nou Camp will be against Inter Milan in the Gamper Trophy at the end of August.

Anonymous said...

Check out this Barcelona-branded cell phone they released in Japan:

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