Here is the rundown. Today Sp. daily "AS" comes
out with the following story: AC MILAN is now
willing to negotiate with REAL MADRID the
transfer of Brazilian star KAKA at the end of the
season. What changed?

Here´s a summary. During the Ronaldo negotiations
at the end of January, Milan directives said they would
negotiate, with the inclusion of 3 players ( Robinho,
Cannavaro & Diarra) plus an economic sum, obviously
this would bring down Kaka´s current price of 70M€.

Outrageous? There is more!

Milan´s main objetive is RONALDINHO, therefore it
wishes to avoid dressing room star clashes & needs the
cash from selling Kaka to finance the Ronaldinho buy -
apparently Ronaldinho´s rep. & brother has given the
green light.

Real Madrid may look favourably at including Robinho &
Cannavaro to lower the transfer price , but reject including
DIARRA in the operation

Opinions readers?

Stay tuned folks, it looks like its going to be a very hot summer
in the transfer market. SFS will keep you updated

Lastly, LIVERPOOL´s new American owners are set to
inject the club with super bucks & FERNANDO TORRES
is their prime objective. They wish to get ahead of Chelsea
& Manchester Utd & seal "the Kid" for next season.

This gossip is never ending, however, local rumours say that
Torres may well accept to move to the UK, & more
importantly, Atletico will accept the money. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Stuff Striker, we downunder dont get the news as fast & in english...keep it up mate!

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