SFS posts how the SPANISH BASKETBALL competition is
fairing for the many fans & readers who email wanting to
know more. After Round 17 REAL MADRID manages to regain
the leadership of the ACB ladder ( below Reyes of Real battling
against TAU).

The ladder after 17 rounds is currently as follows:
1. Real Madrid 15 - 2
2. Tau Ceramica 15 - 2
3. Akasvayu Girona 13 - 4
4. Unicaja 10 - 7
5. DVK Joventut 10 - 7
6. Caja San Fernando 10 -7
7. Barcelona 9 - 7

8. Gran Canarias 9 - 8

This ladder is important because it signifies the mid - way
of the season AND the Top 8 teams that qualify for the
SPANISH CUP which will be played ( play-offs) in Malaga
the dates 8 to 11 of Febuary.

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