biased for the home grown, has given us this hitting cover, full of
historical truths that tell us a bit about the professional football
player called RONALDO.
Lets attempt briefly to escaped the various "smoke screens" &
marketing exercises & understand a possible motive of the transfer
from Real Madrid to AC Milan.
although SFS does´nt wish to go
that far: in Cataluña they still
have´nt forgotten he left Barça
& played for Madrid.
History tells us 5 European
teams: PSV Eindoveen, Fc
Barcelona, Inter Milan, Real
Madrid & now AC Milan
( will sign next Monday),
all with a short duration &
all with problems that
generated his exit or entry.
Here is the key, there always
was a problem: lack of
discipline, overweight, individualism, late night partying, lack
of love from fans & coaches (his words), left on the bench,
misunderstood, late arrive to training...on & on. What about
his coaches? Two great trainers like Hector Cuper ( Inter) &
Capello ( R.Madrid) are villans that explains Ronaldo´s
departure? That´s what his image & marketing team wish us
to believe folks.
Heres SFS humble & honest opinion. Let´s not get fooled! Ronaldo
is a good player, but has never been & will never be a great player.
His a player that goes through life thinking that being a star justifies
everything. He failed at Inter & failed in Real Madrid ( the biggest
club in the world - & I´m not a Real fan!) & AC Milan is a step down
- dont wish to offend my Milan friends, please, the team is struggling
on the mid table.
Ronaldo has always escaped the hard work, run away from the
character building goals, has never been a true "team player",
always the individual above the collective & a coward. When
the going gets tough Ronaldo hides, blames others & escapes to
clean his darkened image. His not an example of what a true
professional football player should be.
SFS wishes Ronaldo luck , but you have´nt fooled us mate &
"Sport" & its cover, they may have it right after all.
Open to comments readers! Tweet
Well said striker, as a Madrid fan i have suffered ever since we signed him. His signing marked our descent into chaos.. i was totally against it even then. Good luck to Milan.. they'll need it.
Totally right Striker, yes he may be the WCups great goal scorer , but what! He is undisciplined & a real waste of talent. Thinks more with his dick than head ( or both!)
Fairness is hard achieve here!! after he has been the top scorer in EACH season he has played, now he a loser, what a sarcacism!!
Fans in Madrid hated him because he is way better than raul, who couldn't half the goals ronaldo scored sonce he joined real, let's be objective not SUBJECTIVE...
SFS thinks it has just written facts ,SFS hates no one , its author follows another team & wishes Ronaldo the best. But the record is want it is ...nothing more nothing less...thanks for your comments anonimous. Cheers
"Has always escaped hard work Run away from character builiding goals" talk of revisionism, 14years in top flight football, first major injury at 19 in 1996, returned 5 months later to become a 2 time world player of the year, 2nd major injury at 21, this time for a total of 13 months including a heart wrenching 6 minute spell after 6 months of rehabilitation and returns to win the world cup another world player of the year, win madrid the championship, top score in spain, top score for and underperforming madrid all his seasons there, yeah a true waste of talent!
Thanks for your comments, SFS welcome all views & ideas. Here´s a thought in 15 years when your son /daughther asks : greatest football players - you may say DiStefano, Puskas, Cruyff, Beckenbaur, Van Basten, Platini, Maradona, Pele...doubt you can put Ronaldo in this bracket...he may have the numbers, but doesnt come near the class & professionalism ...wasted talent!
SFS consider facts, then facts are number, please choose a side!!!
Ronaldo's personal life might have affected him, he's not a saint.
Why Ronaldo is blamed for not scoring goals, while no one blames Raul the same for not scoring for months, or Nistelroy, the reason is that Ronaldo is expected to deliver more, becuase he is Ronaldo! and when he's scoring no one is talking about his proffesionalism, he would the best, he is a human being not a slave or machine...
Thanks anonimous for your excellent comments.
Ronaldo could have been the greatest forward in history, the numbers are there, but he stopped short of it because he hasnt got what it takes: the drive to be just that, the graetest. His character lets him down, he runs away from the difficulties..Barça, Inter, Real ...& now to Milan. SFS DOES NOT doubt his skill, it puts in question his attitude & that is vital to be a historical football player. Champions have skill + attitude ( professional attitude). Ronaldo only has skill.
Hope to see you back
I agree with you Striker. He is lack of professionalism has stopped him from becoming a world class complete package.
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