Another great weekend in the 1º Division of the Spanish
Football League with great matches - the below pictured
Real Madrid vs Villareal - & some farewell´s from great
players in front of their home fans. Plus great news for
Spanish Indoor Football in the European Club Indoor
Final played today.


This afternoon match between Real Madrid & Villareal

had all the neccesary ingredients to make it a wonderful
& unforgetting game.As the above says:"Cracker of a match
& goodbye".
Firstly , it was Zinadine Zidane´s last match before retiring
from professional football in front of his home crowd. The
Santiago Bernabeu was packed with followers giving
tribute to one of the greatest players in football history.
The below picture illustrates the many posters & signs that
fans made visible for this match.

The match finished 3-3 with Real Madrid missing numerous
chances(specially Robinho)& drew in the last minute
thanks to Baptista who scored twice & Zidane with a header.

The other goodbye was at the Valencia - At.Madrid game
which finished 1-1 & saw long serving Italian & Valencia
player CARBONE play his last match. He has retired at 41
years of age & 244 games with Valencia, of which he has
only scored 1 goal! The future connects him with Valencia,
as the rumour is that he will be given the post of Sporting
Director for the club.

Here are the final results - Round 37
Real Madrid 3(Baptista 2; Zidane)-Villareal 2(Mejia og;Forlan2)
Valencia 1 ( Villa-pen) - At.Madrid 1(Maxi)
Barça 2 (Jarque;Ronaldinho) - Espanyol 0
Malaga 0 - Seville 2 ( Renato;Sales)
Zaragoza 3 (D.Milito;Savio;Gonzalez) - Alaves 0
R.Sociedad 2 (Prieto;Skoubo) - Celta 2 (Baino 2)
Getafe 3 (Pulido;Pachon;Riki) - Cadiz 1(Lobos)
Racing 2 (Alfaro;Antoñito) - Osasuna 1 (Milosevic)

Betis 2 (Pereyra;Robert) - Mallorca 1 (Yordi)
Deportivo 1 (Arizmendi) - At.Bilbao 2 (Casas;Orbaiz)

1.Barcelona 82points *
2.Real Madrid 70points
3.Valencia 69points
4.Osasuna 65points
5.Seville 62points*

6.Celta 61points
7.Deportivo 55points.
*one match less


With 1 match left the Top Goal scorer prize will be fought
until the end between Barça player Samuel Eto´o &
Valencia striker David VIlla.
Eto´o( 25 goals);D.Villa(24);Ronaldinho(17);D.Milito(15);
Ronaldo(14) & F.Torres(13)

Lastly, great day for Spanish Indoor Football with the
victory of Spanish team BOOMERANG INTERVIU over
9-7 to take the European Cup title
for the 2 time in a row - pictured below.
Congratulations & well done!


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