REAL MADRID has a huge attraction power for World Football
players.It´s prestige transcends statistics or the "inhouse"
current situation or happenings at Real.
According to Spanish press, Olympique de Lyon player
DIARRA has rejected a "shut deal" with MANCHESTER UTD.

of 30,000,000€, to wait & see the outcome of Presidential
elections at Real & attempt to sign there.

Real Madrid is "temporarily" in stop mode, until its
elect the new Pres. & board members - 2 July.
Until then no decisions can be made on who to sign &
what price to negociate with, except via a verbal plea to
interested players to wait.
DIARRA - pictured below -has taken the risk & will wait,
as he expressed to his
agent that he wants to go to
REAL MADRID next season.

Another player who has be asked to wait by Real Madrid
is FABIO AURELIO, who it seems, is keeping LIVERPOOL
on hold.

(getty pic)

Speaking of LIVERPOOL,they have formally made an offer
for Seville defensive winger DANIEL ALVES of 10,500,000€.
They wish to get in ahead of Barcelona FC who is also
very much interested in the Brazilian.

Alves has expressed that he has no problem going over
with Benitez,he expects to adapt himself quickly with the
help of the other Spanish players.

Seville FC has rejected the offer,but at least its a beginning
of negotiations which can change direction at anytime.
The only handicap for Liverpool is the preferencial buying
option that Barcelona FC has, in case they decide to make an

offer. In that case, the tactic would be to win over the players
mind & heart

Lastly, Deportivo striker Diego Tristan - pictured below -
in the mind of some Spanish Clubs.
Valencia´s newly appointed Football Director, ex-player,
Carboni, wishes to see Tristan at Valencia next season.
Diego Tristan has only scored 12 goals this season, but has
hardly played or counted for Depor, thus showing a good
scoring average & goal area prowess.The question arises,
are´nt there enough NÂș 9´s at Valencia already? Will Tristan
be satisfied with some bench warming?

But Tristan has other possible destinations. He has been offered
to Atletico de Madrid, & landing there will depend on new coach
Aguirre & if Fernando Torres does not leave the club.

Lets wait & see how things develop.


Lucas said...

when are the Real elections??

Anonymous said...

2 of july

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