(Jesús Aguilera/AS)

Spanish Football does´nt need or want players with this type
of attitude or behaviour. In fact, I am dedicating sometime
to denounce this sanctionable antic & bring the attention to
all Football fans of the "real" Savo Milosevic.

It happened in Sundays match against Real Madrid. Sergio
Ramos - Real defender - was protecting the ball so as
Goalkeeper Casillas could take it. Along the way Milosevic
was attempting to get at the ball & the typical defender/
striker body contact occurred, a few elbows..etc

...NORMAL...happens all the time. If it gets out of control,
luckly the game has a referee to take care of it & sanction.
But what was dirty & outright disgusting was the following
comment made by Milosevic to Sergio Ramos: "I am going
to rip your neck off, son of a bitch, & you won´t be able
to go & play in the World Cup"
. This was luckly captured
by TV & was lip read.

Nice one Mr. Milosevic, you have shown us your true colours.
You have single handedly lowered your prestige & name to
the same level as SHIT! If up to me, I would ban you from
playing 6 weeks & fine you a handsome amount. Who the hell
you think you are Mr. Milosevic.
Spanish Football & "La Liga"
are too classly & too much for the sort of players you represent -

rubbish. No player, no matter who he thinks he is should behave
this way, Mr.Milosevic go home & get out of the Spanish Football
League - PLEASE!


Eddie Robson said...

Always slightly surprised to see that Milosevic is still playing, he was at Aston Villa years and years ago... and was a bit of a nasty piece of work then too. The consensus was generally that he was a bit diappointing, kicking off a tradition of disappointing Villa strikers that continues to this day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Eddie for your valuable comments.

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