
I wish to personally go down on record & say that Hendrik
Larsson, is & was (his choice) one of Europe´s best strikers.

Today he received the Order of the British Empire - & he´s
Swedish!! Why?

He is an example of what professional football players should
be, & for me, an authentic goal area "crack" - THE "BLACK"

6 seasons with Celtic Glasgow - & 242 goals - IS THIS TRUE?
Everytime he is called for duty for Barça - he scores! Passion,
work, team, objective; a professional football player!

At Barcelona FC & a"veteran" - his goals have been
super important for their success. But LARSSON, humble,
professional, team player, sportsman & gentlemen, teaches
us all some excellent sporting values. Thankyou Hendrik,
your poetry in motion, your wonderful in action & your
an example daily for football players. BEST Swedish player
ever, one of the great European strikers. Thanks for playing
in Spain, & good luck back home.

Leave you with his goals - a preditor!

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