(Oscar Ribot/AS)
The news broke as Barça qualified
for the Final of the European Cup.

Recently appointed President of
Real Madrid - Fernando Martin -
was forced to resign & call elections
for the 2º of July. The sum of 15
directives voted ( against 1) for
him to get out, & appointed inturn
President Luis Gomez Montejano -
oldest member.

This highlights the real story behind the scenes - pls read my
earlier article: "Real Madrid:Welcome to the Matrix" - link
April -
to get another angle of what´s going on. Mr Martin will
now present himself as candidate & so will 2 time Rally World
Champ Carlos Sainz, amongst others. It´s going to be a real
dirty & back stabbing campaign, I feel this blood draining
will do a lot of damage in the short term to the club.

This complicates things in the Sporting field. Real Madrid is
currently in a fierce battle to secure the 2ºplace in the national
competition. Bad news, bad environment, bad motivation &
negative psychological punch. If they dont finish 2º Real will have

to say NO to the International summer tours as to not risk in the
pre-qualifying stages of Champions. Big loss of $$$ here.

Big damage to the Real Madrid image Internationally. Will Thierry
Henry really want to play here? Will Carlo Ancelloti - who gave his
OK to come to Real with Martin - decide to stay at Milan now?
Real Madrid has lost that Nº1, glamour & "galatic" look, its more
like an astoride out of control.

Perhaps this man below, should present himself & see if he can
use his influence to get Real Madrid back on track.

But I believe that even his holiness does´nt want to even think
about it, as even his friend does not want to get involved.

Finally , Inter Milan Brazilian Striker Adriano, wishes to sign
for Real Madrid & play next season. His price 9.000.000€/year
after taxes. Thats more than Real´s highest paid players:
Beckham, Raul...

(Moises Llorens/As)
This can only aggrevate
further the team as
many will want to
increase their wages to
stay on equal terms.
If Adriano does finally
arrive, he´ll have to
reduce significantly his
wage wishes.
Stay tuned.

Read below last nights Barcelona - Milan roundup
& review.
Plus a goodbye tribute in Zinadine Zidane.

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