Here is the first of the rumours that has been talked
about for sometime & has gained strenght. Spanish
Sports daily AS has been following this case closely.
First of all the next coach of Real Madrid will be
Carlo Ancelloti , it has been agreed that an official
annoucement will not be made until AC Milan´s run
in the European Cup comes to an end.
Now, why mention this?

He has given the GREEN light for
Real to sign the Olympique de Lyon midfielder, Mahamadou
Diarra after dazzling him in last Wednesday´s match.
I remember that AS also spilled the beans announcing
that Real President Fernando Martin & his 2º Emilio
Butrageño meet with the player weeks ago , which
angered the Lyon management. If this signing does
go ahead , I think it would help enourmously Real to
fill the gap left by the departure of Mekele. Real have no
real midfield power, no one with the running strenght & power
to breakdown opposition attacks, or to incorporate into attack
effectively. Diarra is a mix of Mekelele & Viera in one player &
would be an excellent adquisition to bring back
some balance , power & youth into the midfield & side

The other talk in town is the possible incorporation of Bayern Munich forward Roy
Makaay to Atletico de Madrid. Makaay has had a relatively poor season &
has warmed the bench,plus Bayern has shut the signing of another striker Podolski,
which adds to the long list of fowards already on the pay-roll : Pizarro, Santa
Cruz & Guerrero. This may force Roy to look elsewhere so as to play & At. Madrid
may help him out.
I would´nt mind him coming at all. His a proven goalscorer, & in form , one of the
best strikers in Europe. He has experience in the Spanish League , remember played
in Deportivo were he was "pichichi - name given in Spain to Liga maximum goal
scorer ", & maybe the "yang" needed to calm & guide with his experience the "ying"
: the young Atletico striker Fernando Torres. The only negative aspect maybe age
but experience counters it I believe, & will be more productive than the current
work of Kezman who in my opinion has been disappionting & not up to standards

Lastly, Ivan Helguera , Real Madrid´s defender is passing a
difficult moment at the club. He has been relegated to the bench
& is not getting minutes. This is making him nervious with
declarations like that he would´nt mind playing in Barça, or
that he does not understand why his coach has bannished him
to the unknown. It is simple Mr Helguera your substitutes
Mejia & Raul Bravo have been doing a wonderful job. They
are younger , quicker & need minutes to build them up for
the future. Also Francisco Pavón is also a good defender,
& all are local inhouse players that the club is betting on.
This does not look too good for Ivan as we may see him leave the club. In my
opinion it would not be a disaster , no one is indispensable, & I believe Helguera
has ended his cycle at the club, it happens to many great players in many other
clubs: thats football! Lets hope he leaves - if he decides - with class & dignity ,
because he deserves it.


T said...

Striker, that is a good combination of interesting rumours and good analysis!

Real Madrid's inability in three years to properly replace Makalele makes me really doubt the decision-making of Valdano and Butrageno. In particluar, I have never understood why they bought Gravesen for the role when his lookalike, Lee Carsely, was in fact the midfield anchor-man at Everton. I always wondered whether they confused the two players- because Gravesen is not a Makalele type-player?!

Anyways mate, great site and keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Thanks T. Your participation & comments are fundamental in order to make this blog stay at the level that people want. Keep on keeping on! Peace.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comment on the Gravessen look alike, will keep an eye out on this player.

Yes, correct ...I too don´t know why they bought Gravesen...I suppose to they were nervious, looked cheap, shut the fans up with the signing "effect" & filled holes.

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