The image from AS says
it all, Barcelona has defeated Benfica 2-0 &
thus qualify for a semi-final berth against
the mighty Italians AC Milan.

The match could have been different if Benfica´s
Captain Simao had´nt failed a dead- shot attempt
at goal which passed centimeters from the post.
The Benfica goal would have let the Portuguese
qualify independently from being 1-0 down from
an earlier Ronaldinho goal. As happens at this level , missed chances are punished & later Samuel
Eto´o scored the 2º & tranquilizing goal to put the wind out of Benfica & win the game for Barça.

My hat goes off to Benfica´s keeper Morreto who stopped an earlier penalty by Ronaldinho & kept
the spirit alive, but even his talent was´nt enough.

The game started with a very anxious Barça wanting to score
quickly & could´nt. In the 23" min a Luisao handball inside the
area gave Barça a penalty which Benfica keeper Morreto brilliantly
stopped by Ronaldinho. This made Barça even more nervious
until an excellent run down the wing by Eto´o with pass included
gave Ronaldinho an open goal to score the 1º goal .

The 2º half saw Benfica go out to win at all costs. Both
sides had plenty of chances - more Barcelona which was seeing
the phantoms of the past - & were not being converted. In a
counter-attack by Benfica , Simao grabbed the ball with only the
keeper to beat & missed the chance to change the whole game
& put them on the road to the semis. But missed chances are
punished & later Barça Belletti chipped a ball over to Eto´o
who hammered home the 2º & sink Benfica. This was the difference!

Barcelona qualified without brilliant play , it missed too many goal chances & it is something
that needs to be rectified against AC Milan. Also Deco will miss the next match due to a yellow
card & this maybe important against the Italians.

Finally , I would like to end by highlighting the good work by Belleti, Pujol ( excellent defensive work),
Gio, Ronaldinho, Van Brommel , Larsson & the great effort, teamwork & gol by the charismatic
Samuel Eto´o . Now its after AC Milan & this is another big hurdle towards European Cup glory.


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your review Striker. You think Barca will be able to beat AC Milan?

Anonymous said...

On what the anonymous person commented, at this point of the competition, I really think this has a predictable ending. Barça has a wealth of talent in there that can win the competition, like Eto'o, Ronaldinho, Deco, etc. And they can't be in a better form than now, both in the league and in Europe.

However, AC Milan isn't as feared as it used to be I'm afraid, therefore my answer to the question is still a Barcelona victory.

Hmm... I think the only shortcoming in Barça is Victor Valdes...

STRIKER said...

Thanks for your comments. You maybe right , but I fear every match is different & form at times plays little role. Many favourites have fallen , eg Milan vs Liverpool last year.

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