Mino Railo, representative of Inter Milan Swedish International forward
Zlatan Ibrahimovic, has apparently let his month loose on the Italian daily
paper “Il Giorno”.The representative who talks on behave of his player
Ibrahimovic is upset on how Inter Milan Coach Mourinho has marginalized
his player with more bench time. He suggested that if things continue his
player will find a new Club & doesn’t rule out big Spanish Clubs like
Real Madrid or FC Barcelona.

The interesting other news from the interview is that Mr. Railo comments
about Inter Coach Mourinho & his wishes to leave & coach his true desire,
Real Madrid. The representative says that Real Madrid is the true wish of
Mourinho & that the Portuguese is waiting for the right moment to make his

Interesting words that seem to have a political message behind them for
Inter Milan directives, however it is not certified that what he says about
Mourinho is at all true. We suspect that Mourinho would enjoy coaching
Real Madrid, who wouldn’t, but cannot say this as categorically as

What do you think; do you believe that Mourinho is dreaming with Real

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