The Spanish news paper the began looking under the FC Barcelona carpet with the Neymar transfer deal, "El Mundo", continues finding dead skeletons & the "problems" for the Club are spreading to the now put new President Bartomeu who is under the microscope as accomplice to ex-President Sandro Rosell. As the newspaper explains the resignation of Sandro Rosell still leaves all the questions without answers. What is assured is that this whole "affair" is going to get hotter & hotter & we will be in for more big surprises.

Meanwhile "El Mundo" puts up today this cartoon to put some humour ( sarcastic ) into the whole affair. I think it depicts well in a very quick way what the issue is:

FC Barcelona 2014

As you can see "Ricardo" splits up the supposed payments in the Neymar transfer deal. The missing "37,9" - the "other costs" - is the price of the head of ex-President Sandro Rosell in this cartoon. As things come to light those missing 37-40M€ is the money that was paid directly to the Father of Neymar as "commissions".

Some local Football observers are speculating that the transfer price could be as high as 150M€;  a big difference from the official Club statement of 57,1M€

Stay tuned.

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