The storm caused by FIFA President Blatter & his comments in reference to the question of who he preferred, Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo, has been magnified & blown out beyond what simple outside Football observers would have expected. In fact no one knew in Spain that Blatter had spoke at the Oxford University forum until yesterday night. The comments took place on Friday & came to light 3 days later, coinciding "casually" with the release of the FIFA Golden Ball list of 23 candidates... more later

Here is the video & what the FIFA President had to say about Messi & Cristiano Ronaldo:

Yes one can interpret that Mr.Blatter could have been more alert & more politically correct. The surprise is not the negative & disrespectful interpretation from Spanish Sports media, Real Madrid & Cristiano Ronaldo which is understandable, but the trap set-up to which a traditionally fierce "political animal" that the FIFA President is known for fell foot & head into to the glee & the smiles of his enemies. 

Mr. Blatter has held with an iron fist power under FIFA for a long time, & one does not do this without kicking heads, plenty of skulls. Those who have "suffered" the powers of Blatter have waited in the dark silently & are now smelling blood to go in for the kill. Cristiano Ronaldo has long felt that he has been badly respected by FIFA not only last Friday & now he has his moment. Real Madrid has felt a serious loss of power in the International Football Community & now has the opportunity to put back their 2 cents worth of "revenge", these & the long list of behind the scene Football, Political, Economic & who knows who personalities that have ambitions to take away the seat of Football power ( & a Billion dollar industry ) from Blatter. 

The current FIFA President is "wounded", especially after the Qatar 2022 World Cup allocation which is full of serious accusations of fixing, multi-million "brides" & the acknowledge public mistake voiced by Blatter himself that to play Football under 50 degrees conditions was a mistake & almost suicidal. Will the Qatar & World Investors accept a change? Doubt it? Many feel that the "old man" should move on, people like Michel Platini ( the current UEFA President ) who has his eye on the FIFA seat, also like Spanish Federation President Angel Villar & all the other numerous power hungry enemies from Sporting wear multi-nationals, Economic Institutions & Companies, World Sports Media, Football Clubs, Coaches, Players, Representatives etc & etc of which Mr.Blatter has previously stuck his "Doc Marteens" Boots into their teeth for years.

The Blatter "comments" scenario or the occasion could not be more perfect, on the day of FIFA Golden Ball 23 candidate list release the Oxford University video hits Spanish media & the Cristiano Roanldo ignition sparks fire. The immediate reaction which is perfectly acceptable was a back-lash from Spanish media calling for blood, a letter from Real Madrid calling that Blatter retract his words, a letter from the Portuguese Football Federation which took it to national levels, Real Madrid Coach Ancelotti defending his player ( what else could he do ),  a letter from Cristiano Roanldo representative Jorge Mendes calling for respect & Cristiano Ronaldo himself via his Facebook saying:

The reaction from Mr.Blatter was immediate saying that he was taken out of context & perhaps he was a bit too loose in behaviour & words. The FIFA President has asked for apologies & that he has the maximum respect for Ronaldo who is an exceptional player. 

The FIFA President, the most "powerful man in World Football"  has had to say sorry for words he pronounced to a "simple" question at an Oxford University Forum. Why? Because Blatter is no longer as powerful as we ( he ) once thought, the man has surprisingly ( & perhaps unknowingly ) given reasons & arms to his long list of enemies waiting to "knock off the King". We may be witnessing the last months / year of reign for Mr.Blatter. However I am sure the "one man" will not go out the exit door without firing his guns & last bullets. Cristiano Ronaldo may have kissed away his possible chances for this years Golden Ball Award, its a real possibility, not to mention Spain losing in the upcoming Brazil World Cup...Real Madrid losing the Champions League???
Nahhh , not possible, right?

But Cristiano Ronaldo ( & Spain ) in the arena of World Football & "dirty politics" are just  instruments & not really important, a means to an end. Taking a Shakespearian line..."There is something smelly in Zurich". 

Stay tuned for future developments.

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