The transfer of Mesut Ozil to Arsenal FC has brightened up the season of the English Club, but has created controversy locally at Real Madrid CF which agreed to the 45M€ +variables ( 50M€ ) offer from Arsenal - a Club record - & let the German go.

Every "Tom, Dick & Harry" has had something to say on the matter:
  • Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid CF) said if up to him Ozil would have been the last player to sell. Nice from Ramos defending the Club that pays him, real professional.
  • Arbeloa ( Real Madrid CF ) said Ozil was unique & thought the transfer was a joke
  • Cristiano Ronaldo ( Real Madrid CF ) is published in Spanish Sports papers to have said from Portugal that he is angered by the transfer
From overseas
  • Jose Mourinho ( ex Coach Real Madrid ) says Ozil is the best Nº 10 in the World
  • Lowe ( German National Team Selector ) says he can´t understand it at all
  • Muller ( Bayern Munich player & German Team-mate) says it was a mistake.
The comments are numerous, from wide sources & are all in the same line. 


However, Football is an emotional Sport & lives the moment. This & the mix of "interests" that attempt to justify their objectives via media & from "leaked" sources add to the emotions & to impulsive comments.

From here lets attempt to look at the "Ozil transfer" from a distance & with some facts:


(a) The Father of Mesut Ozil had been attempting for months to get Real Madrid to lift the salary of his son from 3.5M€ to around 7M€, to which Real Madrid said now is not the moment. The Father of Ozil then went around Europe "selling" his son in order to pressure Real Madrid, & in doing so convinced his son that the Spanish Football Club did not value him as a Footballer. First reason: Ozil was badly advised.

(b) Ozil has got what he was looking for a higher wage. In fact Arsenal Fans should know that Ozil waited until the last moment before signing for Arsenal awaiting an offer from Manchester United that did not come because United was incompetent. Second fact: Arsenal is second choice. In fact the only choice.

(c) Some say the Ozil was sold to pay for Gareth Bale. This is only partly true. Real Madrid bought Ozil for 15M€ & had an offer of 45M€ ( 50M€ ) for a player that was being offered by the Father of Ozil around Europe & a disgruntled player for not receiving a pay rise. However, the final choice was always up to Ozil. Third reason: Ozil unilaterally & independently decided to leave, Real Madrid did not kick him out as it is being insinuated. It was the choice of Ozil ( & Father ).


(a) The signing of Isco had displaced Ozil to a flank, the right flank. The German was not happy playing there & voiced it. Substituted,  the German showed his continual frustration. 
(b) The signing of Gareth Bale would shift Ozil from the right flank onto the bench. This was the upcoming reality for the German. That is Football.
(c) Ozil is irregular, he plays two great games & plays two bad games. In Spain the term used to describe it is "he lacks blood". This is a handicap for any player, a characteristic which halts your Football progression onto greater Football things.

Thus Ozil was already told & it was obvious that he would be less "a star" & would play less. That he would have to fight for his place & on top of it with the World Cup next year.

According to Ozil the Coach Ancelotti & Real Madrid had lost confidence in him. This is not totally correct. Ozil was lead to believe that the Club lost confidence in him by his Father who was pushing his son to go elsewhere to earn more money, while Coach Ancelotti only let Ozil know that he was no longer "untouchable" , that he had to earn his place, that there were other players better suited in his position & that the only "opening" for now was the right flank that he did not like. 

It is well know in local circles that Ozil leads a somewhat "erratic" social life. Although observers say that this tendency has been curbed somewhat it is still present. A personal characteristic that needs to be dominated if your are to be a great Football player.

In summary, there is no doubt that Mesut Ozil is a great Football Player with immense talent & Football magic. An exceptional player which still has some way to go if he wishes to & sets that goal. The decision to sign for Arsenal & leave Real Madrid is only his - Mesut Ozil - encouraged by an "over zealous" & financially ambitious Father-rep that has badly advised his son & is not looking after the true interests of Mesut.

Ozil took the easy way out. Instead of taking the decision of staying at Real Madrid & fight for his place to prove Coach Ancelotti - & himself - that he is better than Isco, Modric & Bale;  he thought only in himself, the money, the World Cup next season & to avoid the existing real risk of sitting on the bench & being a secondary actor. These are the real reasons,  the rest is just expressed emotions, bad information & politically interested comments.

Real Madrid CF is bigger than any player. The following list of players all left the Club & perhaps worst than Ozil: Di Stefano, Amancio, Pirri, Butrageño, Hierro, Raul, Redondo, Makelele...etc & etc ( many more in the History of the Club) , all of the mentioned names Club legends & World Football Stars, & Real Madrid kept going on & did not fall apart. Ozil has gone, it is history & his Football will be remembered. But Ozil will remember more Real Madrid than Real Madrid will remember Ozil, the German may have made the worst choice of his career because he decided to take the easy way out. 


  1. I love your blog, but you're a bit hard on Ozil and his father. How do you know his father wasn't putting his son first? I mean, it might have been a very good move, esp if Man U hadn't been incompetent. Also, isn't it possible that Ozil loyalty to the German team helped cement his decision? That's hardly a trivial point. And, finally, Madrid is very unstable and has been for years. Why is leaving Madrid such a terrible move? I think it's exciting he's off to play for the Gunners, where he will be more appreciated and played in positioned and ready for the World Cup.
    So lighten up!
    Thanks for the blog. It's great

  2. Thanks Lee,

    - With all due respects to Arsenal FC - I like them - its a big step down from RM. Arsenal havent won a title for the last 9 years. A Football player aspiring for the maximum needs to play in TOP Clubs ( RM, FCB, BM, MUtd, Chelsea, etc)

    - FYI , The Father of Ozil hired 7 ( I repeat 7 ) FIFA Agents to go around offering his son with Ozil with contract. Ozil never wished to leave RM at all, his Father was a big factor to convince him for more €€€

    - But take other examples of palyers at RM with Ozil similiar situation. ANGEL DI MARIA. Same situation, but the Argentine chose to stay & fight for his place. Ozil took the easy way out. In Spain Ozil is known as not have "personality of his own".

    Lighten Up? Lee I dont lose one second of sleep about Ozil, I follow AT Madrid. Before Ozil there has been greater players who have left their Club. In 10 days no one will remember Ozil here.

    All I do is give an alternative view to readers , attempting to steer away from interested media, biased reporters & leaked news pieces , all mixed up with blind Football emotions that cloud reality.

    Thanks for your comments, look forward to more contributions.

  3. Spanish football might not be for every player and therefore Ozil leaving for greener pasture might not be a mistake, esp with World Cup looming. Agents I tend not to trust, but agents who are fathers I tend to give the benefit of the doubt. I think Ozil has been treated poorly by Madrid (but not by the fans, who recognize him as a class act). Madrid is unstable, has lost its focus, it's style of play, and its locker room is ruled by egos. Leaving it may not be a bad move at all.

    I guess we have different perspectives. I think it's great for football in general that a player of Ozil quality went to Arsenal. With the world cup coming up, I think Ozil will be much happier away from the Madrid soap opera. I'm impressed with any player these days who goes to a team to help it rebuild, esp one with a fantastic tradition and a great manager who is deserving of some talent. Instead of Spain getting all the best players, England got one, and that's good all around.
    If they forget Ozil in ten days, well, they might remember him in CL play. I think he did the right thing. Thanks again Striker.

  4. Samit7:16 pm

    I used to follow your blog! But after this article I need to think twice! Is there any influence from Perez??

  5. Awesome kalu9:01 am

    Striker,you have said it all.I'm a true RM fan and anything that will make me be in sorry in a second I rebuke it,in the case of benzema that's were am concerned about and we all know he's sluggish,lazy,etc.....please,in these January transfer let's not hesitate for SUAREZ[agile,smart,aggressively,above all a complete footballer].....hala Madrid!!!
