According to Italian source "TuttoNapoli" Real Madrid player Jose Callejon will fly off to Napoles ( Italy ) tomorrow to sign & seal his transfer with the city Club. Its been speculated the past week that Napoles Spanish Coach Rafael Benitez wished to incorporate that Real Madrid player for next season & was negotiating. 

REAL MADRID transfers 2013

Apparently both Clubs have come to an economic agreement of 10M€ in transfer fee, & the player will receive 3,5M€ per year in salary. Callejon will join a list of Spanish Football Players that have chosen Italian Football like Fernando Llorente ( Juventus ) , Joaquin - Borja Valero - Marcos Alonso ( Fiorentina ) & Pedro Obiang ( Sampdoria )

The Italian team gets a very good Football player, very professional, hard working & committed with his team. Callejon was very effective with Real Madrid & scored lots of important goals, but he was almost always on the bench & every Football player needs regular participation & full matches to bring out all of their full potential. 

The soon to be transfer is as yet no official & we should all be prudent & await notification. Until then, from here I wish Callejon all the luck in the World with his Italian adventure. To the Napoles fans, you are receiving a fine Football player.

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