Firstly, we have to be very careful with the upcoming news piece doing the rounds this afternoon & that will continue to grow like a snowball. It is a rumour & it is not confirmed coming out of the mouth of a FIFA players agent. According to Francois Gallardo, the FIFA players agent, in an interview given to Catalan (Barcelona) radio, Real Madrid & Tottenham Hotspurs have come to an agreement to transfer Gareth Bale.

Real Madrid candidate 2013

Mr. Gallardo commented that Tottenham Hotspurs & Real Madrid have agreement after a massive 90,000,000 € offer from the Spanish Football Club last week. Following the words of the "FIFA agent" Real Madrid does not want to announce anything until they can solve the Coaching vacancy were they are experiencing another "battle" at this moment with Paris St Germain to let go of Carlo Ancelloti to go to Madrid. 

Once Real Madrid presents their new Coach - whoever that may finally be - they will announce the formal signing of the Welshman Gareth Bale.

If this is true, it would be a bombshell,  & the second highest transfer figure, after Cristiano Ronaldo, in World Football. But lets all be cautious before believing this piece of news & the words of the "unknown FIFA Agent". It could be a way to win some fame for Mr.Gallardo or some other pressure tactic in supposed negotiations.

It all looks too easy - except the reported 90M€ offer to Tottenham which if true will be difficult to refuse - as it all looks beforehand a classic case of fierce negotiation & battle installed between Clubs that will take it - if successful - to the last days of the August transfers closing date.

No other big local Spanish Sports media has taken this newsflash on-board as yet & this in itself may mean that it is not credible at all. I repeat it is a rumour - a dirty rumour at that perhaps - but speculation with only the words of a person no one knows given to a Catalonian radio station as the basis. Caution please it could be a hoax!

Stay tuned. 

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