More news from Brazil after intense negotiations today between Santos, FC Barcelona, Real Madrid & Neymar. The very latest news circulating is the offer each Club ( Barça & Madrid ) has made to the Santos player: Real Madrid 11M€ /season & FC Barcelona 7M€/season. But there is a "catch", Real Madrid asks for 50% of the players image rights while FC Barcelona gives it all - 100% - to Neymar. Just to remind you, Neymar earns around 8M€ just in publicity per year.


But there is more, Spanish Sports paper "Marca", along while the two main Barcelona based papers, "Sport" & "Mundo Deportivo", have let known this afternoon in their online editions that its a practical done deal in favour of FC Barcelona. According to the mentioned Sports papers, barring last minute surprises & paperwork, the Brazilian 21 year old will be a FC Barcelona player as from next season with a 5 year contract. The rumoured signing - transfer figure that FC Barcelona will pay to all 4 parties that own the rights of Neymar is around 50M€ although I suspect that it will finally be much higher

This is all unconfirmed. It is important that readers keep this in mind. Plus it is not even certain that Real Madrid has really offered the player anything & least 11M€ per season. I say this because the highest paid players at Real Madrid right now are Cristiano Ronaldo & Kaka & they are around the 10M€. If it is true that Real Madrid has offered 11M€/season to Neymar,  & if Neymar surprises everyone choosing Real Madrid next season, the Club would have to raise the salary of Cristiano Ronaldo substantially & perhaps others players to keep the salaries "in line" & not offend "egos". 

The only thing right now that can be said is that the "Neymar story" is very close to coming to a conclusion & that FC Bareclona is in the front seat. Everything indicates that Barça is the destination the player desires for next season - over that of Real Madrid - & that an official announcement seems very close. If I were a FC Barcelona fan I would be conservatively happy - if your in agreement - that the Brazilian is in "the bag".

Stay tuned!

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