If in the below post I gave you the very latest on the Real Madrid signing rumours for next season, now I add another name that is doing the rounds. As I said Football is in constant flux & in permanent conflict with diverse interests between Clubs, agents, coaches, intermediaries & players all positioning themselves in the lucrative transfer market.

This time the news comes out of Italy & concretely "La Gazzetta dello Sport" which claims that Real Madrid is following closely 25 year old Chilean & Juventus defensive midfielder Arturo Vidal.

Real Madrid interest

The Chilean International is said to be valued around 30M€ & Juventus has already let known that the player will not be transferred unless there is a irresistible offer.

I would take this news piece for what it is,  a rumour from the many that are doing the rounds. As I always say there are lots of interested parties distorting their situation & "inventing" interests to strengthen their local positions. There maybe true in all this as well, but lets all be cautious & wait to see how things turn out.

Stay tuned!

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