According to "Marca" Italian club INTER MILAN maybe about
to "crash" REAL MADRID ´s party.
Real Madrid is following closely & is in contact with 19 year old
OLYMPIQUE DE MARSEILLE & French International
(pictured). The young star has already voiced is preference for Real, but
Inter has also shown interest & wishes Nasri to be the replacement
for Figo. If Inter enters the picture it could cause a price upward
spiral & put both Real & Inter in conflict. Stay tuned!

JULIO CESAR BAPTISTA ( pictured below) is the talk of Italian
news, specially "Corriere dello Sport Stadio", where the players
representative has commented that the REAL MADRID player
looks favourably at the possibility of going to AC ROMA.
Baptista currently is out of favour & not able to play with Real Madrid
& may consider the Roma option as the most viable.

Staying with REAL MADRID, news from England via "The Mirror"
comments that Real Madrid is negotiating with CHELSEA forward
DROGBA & maybe willing to pay up to 40M€.
Rumour has it that Chelsea is considering signing Nicolas Anelka from
Bolton for January 2008 which will make living with Drogba difficult.
SFS will keep an eye on developments!


Zazinho said...

Samir Nasri plays for Olympique de Marseille, not Lyon. I really hope he comes to Real Madrid next season. About Baptista i dont mind if he leaves as long as they dont get Drogba. even if Real gets Drogba, 40M is not worth it, Id rather real get Benzema or Ben Arfa from Lyon instead.

Anonymous said...

Opps. Thanks

Evo said...

I will be sad to see Baptista go - i think he has been a missed opportunity for RM

Madridista said...

Benzema will come to real madrid for sure. there is a pre contract said that he will move to RM after 2010 world cup, coz he want to concentrate to get 1st team in world cup rather than concentrate to fit his playing style in spanish league.

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