Sports betting is a multi-million dollar business. Betting on Football results, goals & what not drives thousands of punters into a betting frenzy every weekend in order to make a quick buck, pound or euro. It seems SPANISH FOOTBALL is not immune to the "side-effects" of a business which operates on the thin line between good & evil. 

Spanish Football

Sad to read today that Spanish late-night Sports radio programme from the "Cadena Ser" reported last night that the "Liga Football Professionals" ( LFP ) - Football Clubs Representatives - has reported to the "Anti-corruption Commission" the possibility of "match-fixing" in the later part of " LA LIGA " this season ( with Real Sporting de Gijon mentioned in their match this weekend against Espanyol).

A serious accusation which may need to be investigated by local Authorities & UEFA as it seems - if proven - that the "long shadow" of Sports betting may hang over Spanish Football. With Clubs near bankruptcy, many players not being able to get paid their salary & the economic crisis happening at this moment, the temptation of making a quick euro seems to be enticing to the weak minds & souls of Spanish Football.

As most investigations,  & string pulling, punishment will depend on who & whom is at the end of the string. Having said this, we will keep an eye on developments & of any surprises. 

Already the LFP today has denied any charge - or report - of corruption as announced by the radio station. Real Sporting de Gijon, one of the Clubs accused is threatening to sue the radio station & any media, as they categorical deny being part of any match-fixing action. To defend Gijon they did win Espanyol 3 - 0 which is hard to understand the accusation.

Spanish Football Sport believes in the innocence of any person or institution until proven guilty in a court of law.

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